A arma secreta para jornal

No Vortex discutimos notícias ou acontecimentos interessantes de que despertam curiosidade e vontade por ir cada vez Ainda mais fundo no assunto.

Teto que esquenta na favela, árvore e ar-condicionado no bairro rico: a desigualdade sob calor extremo

Use consistent branding. Your podcast artwork is a part of your overall branding. Feel free to make subtle changes to artwork to fit various layouts and pages, but the imagery should stay consistent.

Share your podcast with loved ones and ask for feedback. You can get their honest opinions and have them leave your first reviews on Apple Podcasts.

Once you have a title in mind, run it through a podcast name checker to ensure the social media accounts and domains are available. You also don't want to use someone else's podcast name.

There are two ways to do this: You can either choose a different community newspaper each week or focus on the news in your community.

Uma fonte que acompanha do perto o retorno do Bolsonaro citou a fragilidade da agenda econômica de Lula jair bolsonaro testa positivo tais como 1 Destes elementos qual influenciaram na escolha do ex-presidente A cerca de o momento do seu retorno.

Este PrimoCast é este podcast oficial d’Este Primo Rico, um dos maiores canais Acerca investimentos e finanças e empreendedorismo do mundo.

There are countless community newspapers around the US that are chock full of small town news. The general happenings and goings on in Smalltown, USA can make for great podcast fodder.

As you can see from X's official list of changes by month, there have been dozens of changes since November 2022. That's not including all of the many under-the-hood algorithm tweaks.

Castos has built-in content repurposing to get your audio content on YouTube, transcribed, and on your blog…all completely automated. Go viral by getting your content everywhere your listeners are.

Good artwork implies quality content, and 62% of new listeners are more likely to listen to a podcast if they like its cover art.

Interest is also critical because, especially in the beginning, your first few episodes may not see any

Your format should complement your podcast and feel sustainable. Ask yourself what gives you energy. Do you love connecting with podcast guests, or do you feel your best going solo?

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